A priority-based Algorithm for independent Task Scheduling 一种基于优先级的独立任务调度算法
Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms for Independent Task Scheduling 求解独立任务调度问题的改进粒子群算法
In order to solve the issue of independent task scheduling in grid environment, a model of task scheduling based on permutation tree pruning is proposed. 针对如何在网格环境下快速进行独立任务调度的问题,提出了基于排列树剪枝的经济网格任务调度模型。
Independent task abort dump 独立任务异常结束转储
By mapping these independent components into the structural image of the brain-we got the voxels activated by the task. 通过将这些独立分量进行空间映射,得到了与任务相关的脑部激活区域。
An adaptive immune-based algorithm for independent task scheduling problem on heterogeneous workstation clusters 异构集群独立任务调度问题的自适应免疫算法
Enforcing independent innovation is the first task of our science and technology and fulfilling our original innovation institution is imperative. 加强自主创新是我国现阶段科技工作的首要任务,健全我国的原创制度已迫在眉睫。
Institutes of P.E. are economically independent, so it can finish the task of nurturing international sports talents. 在办学上、经济上相对独立,才能完成社会所赋予的培养国际体育专业人才的任务。
In order to strengthen core competency and independent development ability in national source coding standard area, Chinese government approved and founded digital audio video coding standard workgroup of China ( AVS), main task of which is researching and formalizing AVS standard with own copyright. 为增强我国在信源编码标准领域的核心竞争力和自主开发能力,国家信产部批准成立数字音视频编解码技术标准工作组(简称AVS工作组),致力于建立中国自主产权的AVS标准。
The hypothesis of independent resources related to processing stage was experimentally examined in the present study with dual task technique. 本研究对与加工阶段有关的独立资源问题进行了研究。
The main subject of this article is whether and how the independent directors system can finish its task. 在我国现阶段独立董事制度是否和如何有效的完成它的使命?
College English Teaching assisted by multimedia computer and network must attach importance to the cultivation of students 'ability of independent study, which is regarded as an important part of the task of the teachers. 多媒体网络辅助大学英语教学必须重视对学生自主学习能力的培养,而作为教师,也必须把培养学生自主学习能力当作自己的任务。
We define an object which can achieve a independent task in security sevices or include a data structure relating to information security. 我们把在安全服务中能完成一个独立功能或包含与安全有关的信息的数据结构定义为对象。
At present, the independent college is faced many tasks, and one of the most important task is that it must improve the personnel training model. 目前,独立学院面临的一个重要的任务就是逐步建立完善其人才培养模式。
The quality of independent audit is the most important task in the research area of Audit. 独立审计质量是审计学领域的重要课题。
Independent risk prevention and control is construction of anti-corruption on the anti-corruption building new situation by development of ideas and reform way to solve task problem and complete task tactics. In practice to explore new way and new methods. 廉政风险防控,是在反腐倡廉建设面临的新形势下,用发展的思路和改革的办法,破解工作难题,完善工作机制,在实践中逐步探索出来的预防腐败的新途径、新方法。
Through the improvement of dependent task scheduling algorithm and independent task scheduling algorithm, task completion time is shortened and computational complexity is reduced. 通过对当前的独立任务调度算法和依赖任务调度算法的改进,获得更快的任务完成时间和较小的算法复杂度。
The problem of independent task scheduling is studied and the following results are acquired. 研究了独立任务调度问题,得到如下四个方面的结果。
The system of independent directors has established In the listed companies in our country, how to develop its effectiveness is our Primary task. 但在独立董事制度在上市公司中全面建立的既定前提下,如何使之发挥效用才是我们的当务之急。
Mobile Agent has the motion characteristic, which is independent of machine and can move from one machine to another, and completes the task on behalf of the user. 移动Agent是具有移动特征的Agent,它可以自主的从网络中一台机器移动到另一台机器,代表用户完成指定的任务。
Independent Colleges are the task force carrying Shanxi popularization of higher education. Specialty setup is directly related to the quality and future development in Independent Colleges of shanxi. 独立学院是承载全国乃至山西省高等教育大众化任务的重要力量,其专业设置情况,直接关系到山西省独立学院的办学质量和未来发展。
The real-time kernel also supports interrupt nesting, which can nest three times at most. The interrupt stack is independent of task stack. 实时内核支持嵌套层数最多为3层的中断嵌套,嵌套栈与任务栈相互独立,并提供10ms的时钟节拍和以该时钟节拍为间隔的软件定时器供用户使用。
In this thesis, three new scheduling rules are systematically proposed and applied to multi-resources independent task complex scheduling problems, and get very well results. 最后将这些调度规则用于求解多资源独立任务复杂调度问题取得了不错的效果。
Promoting independent innovation and building an innovation-oriented country has become a major strategic task in China. Cultivating a large number of innovative talents is an important mission for engineering university. 推进自主创新,建设创新型国家,已成为我国的重大战略任务,工科高校担当着为其培养大批创新人才的重要使命。
In the resource allocation model of independent task, the collective interests can be reflected by the total cost of all tasks. It is an important indicator of the system performance. 在独立任务的资源分配模型中,集体利益可以由所有任务的总成本表现出来,是反应系统性能的重要指标。
How to use multinational corporations 'experience for reference to enhance China independent innovation capability and management system, this is a more comprehensive and far-reaching task waiting for further investigation. 如何借鉴跨国公司的经验,来增强我国汽车工业自主创新的能力和管理机制,这将是一个更广泛而且意义更深远的课题,有待进一步研究。
To implement task preemption in multi-priority queues, Concurrent Task Processing based on Multi-priority Queue allocates an independent stack for each task queue, which also reduces the memory overhead caused by context switches. 为实现不同重要程度任务间的抢占,基于多优先级队列并发任务处理还采用了多任务队列的堆栈管理方法,减少了因上下文切换造成内存开销。
As one of the key points, braking technology is still monopolized by foreign manufacturers. Independent research of the braking equipments have been the primary task of our domestic brake manufacturers. 作为关键技术之一的制动技术,更是被国外厂商垄断,因此自主研发制动装备已经是国内制动厂商的首要任务。
Along with the construction of a national innovation system, state-owned enterprises, as the main body of the national independent innovation, need to assume a more important task to play a more significant role. 国有企业作为国家自主创新的主体,随着国家创新体系建设的全面推进,需要在其中承担更重要的任务,发挥更重大的作用。
Autonomous orbit determination of satellite means that orbit determination is solely finished on board, independent of the observation of ground system. In this way, it can improve the autonomy and security of satellites, and it can decrease the cost of navigation task efficiently. 卫星自主定轨是指卫星在不依赖地面站的情况下,仅运用星载观测设备进行轨道确定,其能够提高卫星运行的自主性和安全性,同时能够有效降低航天任务成本。